
Karrion Kross Tries to Break Up The New Day, Xavier Woods Stands Strong

Karrion Kross
Karrion Kross Tries to Break Up The New Day, Xavier Woods Stands Strong. (WWE)

In the ongoing saga between Karrion Kross, The Final Testament, and The New Day, tensions have escalated, with Kross attempting to sway Xavier Woods away from his longstanding partnership with Kofi Kingston and the New Day.

Kross has persistently tried to convince Woods that joining his faction would be more beneficial than remaining with The New Day, implying that their alliance weakens Woods’ potential in the WWE landscape.

This conflict came to a head recently when Kross confronted Woods backstage, warning him about the consequences of sticking with The New Day and indirectly criticizing their involvement in matches, such as their interference in AOP’s bout against The Awesome Truth for the World Tag Team Championship.

In response to Kross’ provocations, Woods took to WWE digital platforms alongside Cathy Kelley and other WWE superstars to deliver a sharp rebuttal. He asserted that Kross’ plans to elevate AOP by securing them championship gold had failed, attributing it to Kross underestimating The New Day’s capabilities.

Xavier Woods
Karrion Kross Tries to Break Up The New Day, Xavier Woods Stands Strong. (WWE)

Woods expressed confidence in The New Day’s legacy as the greatest tag team in the industry, dismissing Kross’ attempts to break them apart or recruit him into The Final Testament. His defiance was backed by Kingston, The Miz, and R-Truth, who reinforced their unity and strength against Kross’ divisive tactics.

During their digital exclusive interview, Woods made it clear that he was not swayed by Kross’ offers and challenged him directly. He mocked Kross for underestimating The New Day and dared him to confront him face-to-face if he had any further issues.

This exchange highlighted Woods’ determination to protect his partnership with Kingston and their collective identity as The New Day, contrasting sharply with Kross’ disruptive intentions.

On “WWE Raw,” tensions reached a boiling point when The New Day intervened in AOP’s championship match, further escalating the conflict with Kross and The Final Testament. This interference underscored The New Day’s commitment to each other and their willingness to confront any threats to their unity head-on.

As the rivalry intensifies, with Kross continuing to target Woods and The New Day, the stage is set for a high-stakes showdown between loyalty and ambition in the WWE tag team division.

Michael Sebastian

Written by Michael Sebastian

Michael is a part time trainer at Kerela Sports Academy, he is a sports enthusiast as well as a big fan of basketball.

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