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Steve Lombardi on The Ultimate Warrior: Their Early Days in WWE

Steve Lombardi
Steve Lombardi (WWE)

The Ultimate Warrior, known for his electrifying presence in WWE during its golden era, was not just a larger-than-life character but also a complex individual off-screen. Steve Lombardi, who wrestled under the name The Brooklyn Brawler, provided insight into Warrior’s early days in the company.

Lombardi recounted how he was Warrior’s first opponent in WWE back in 1987 when Warrior was still known as The Dingo Warrior. Over the course of their matches, Lombardi developed a personal rapport with Warrior and came to understand the man behind the intense persona.

In a revealing moment, Lombardi shared how he was asked by WWE management to defeat Warrior in a match as a test of Warrior’s attitude. Lombardi approached Warrior privately, advising him on how to handle the situation with professionalism and integrity.

The Ultimate Warrior
The Ultimate Warrior (WWE)

This pivotal interaction not only demonstrated Warrior’s respect for the business but also solidified a bond between the two wrestlers. It was a gesture that went beyond the scripted rivalry, showcasing a mutual respect that endured off-camera.

Their friendship blossomed behind the scenes, with Warrior acknowledging Lombardi in his 2014 WWE Hall of Fame induction speech. Lombardi passionately defended Warrior against criticisms of having a bad attitude, emphasizing that Warrior’s commitment to the business and his genuine personality were often overlooked.

Lombardi’s perspective challenges the common narrative surrounding Warrior, portraying him as a dedicated professional who values loyalty and friendship.

Ultimately, Lombardi’s reflections on Warrior provide a nuanced understanding of a wrestling icon whose legacy extends beyond his on-screen achievements. Warrior’s willingness to trust Lombardi with personal and professional advice underscores the depth of their relationship, revealing a side of the Ultimate Warrior that fans and critics alike may not have fully appreciated during his career.

Michael Sebastian

Written by Michael Sebastian

Michael is a part time trainer at Kerela Sports Academy, he is a sports enthusiast as well as a big fan of basketball.

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