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AJ Styles Teases Potential TNA Return Amid Growing WWE-TNA Crossover Speculation

AJ Styles
AJ Styles (WWE)

The relationship between WWE and TNA has sparked excitement among fans worldwide, particularly regarding potential crossovers between the two promotions.

One figure at the center of this speculation is AJ Styles, whose legacy in TNA from 2002 to 2014 as their first Grand Slam Champion remains unparalleled. Despite his storied tenure, Styles never had a proper farewell from TNA, leaving open the possibility of a return for a final match.

In an interview with Cultaholic Wrestling, Styles expressed interest in the idea of a TNA return before his career concludes, highlighting the mutual benefits of talent exchanges between WWE and TNA. He emphasized the value of diverse in-ring experiences for younger wrestlers, underscoring the importance of being well-rounded performers beyond what NXT offers.

AJ Styles
AJ Styles (WWE)

This potential crossover has also stirred dreams among current TNA stars, such as Leon Slater, who mentioned Styles as a dream opponent. Styles responded with encouragement, acknowledging the potential excitement such matchups could generate and urging Slater to continue delivering stellar performances in the ring.

Meanwhile, TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace has been making waves with her appearances, including a notable victory over “NXT” star Tatum Paxley at TNA’s Against All Odds event.

Her success underscores the growing integration and competition between talents from both promotions, further fueling speculation and excitement among fans about potential future matchups and collaborations.

Richard Soriano

Written by Richard Soriano

Richard is a massive WWE fan and you will often find him covering WWE news at MiceNews.

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