
Chael Sonnen Upset by Boxing Match Draw with Anderson Silva, Claims Victory in First Three Rounds

Chael Sonnen Upset by Boxing Match Draw with Anderson Silva, Claims Victory in First Three Rounds
Chael Sonnen Upset by Boxing Match Draw with Anderson Silva, Claims Victory in First Three Rounds (UFC)

Last weekend, Chael Sonnen and Anderson Silva faced off in a highly anticipated exhibition boxing match in Brazil, marking their third encounter after two previous MMA clashes where Silva emerged victorious. The bout, contested over five two-minute rounds, ended in a draw, fitting for an exhibition match where outcomes often prioritize spectacle over definitive results.

In the aftermath, Sonnen expressed his belief that he had performed better than the official verdict suggested. According to him, he felt he had won the first three rounds, attributing Silva’s strategy of allowing opponents to win the initial round as a calculated move.

Sonnen asserted that he maintained his approach throughout the subsequent rounds but acknowledged a slip in performance during the fourth round, compounded by a brief interruption from a doctor due to a bloody nose.

Chael Sonnen Upset by Boxing Match Draw with Anderson Silva, Claims Victory in First Three Rounds
Chael Sonnen Upset by Boxing Match Draw with Anderson Silva, Claims Victory in First Three Rounds (UFC)

For Sonnen, the draw was a significant improvement compared to his previous losses to Silva, which were stoppages. Winning even a round against Silva was a personal victory, underscoring his competitive spirit and determination to prove himself in this new format against his longtime rival.

Reflecting on their history, Sonnen emphasized that across all their completed rounds together, he believes he has never lost to Silva, countering the narrative established by their MMA bouts. The draw, therefore, represented a symbolic achievement for him, signaling progress and parity in their ongoing competitive relationship.

The exhibition bout between Sonnen and Silva showcased their enduring rivalry and mutual respect, framed within the context of a controlled boxing environment that allowed both fighters to demonstrate their skills while maintaining a level of showmanship expected from such events.

Richard Soriano

Written by Richard Soriano

Richard is a massive WWE fan and you will often find him covering WWE news at MiceNews.

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