
Michael ‘Venom’ Page to challenge Kamaru Usman after UFC 303 win

Michael ‘Venom’ Page
Michael ‘Venom’ Page (UFC)

At UFC 303, Michael Page, known as MVP, is set to face Ian Machado Garry in an eagerly anticipated welterweight bout. Many fans and analysts believe that if Page secures a victory, he could position himself as a strong contender for a shot at the UFC welterweight championship.

Kamaru Usman, a former UFC welterweight champion, is still a prominent figure in the division despite losing his title to Leon Edwards. There is significant interest in seeing what Usman can still accomplish within the welterweight ranks, given his past dominance and current high ranking.

Kamaru Usman
Kamaru Usman (UFC)

In a recent interview, Page expressed his interest in fighting Usman if he successfully defeats Garry. Page highlighted Garry’s impressive rise and ranking, noting that defeating a high-caliber opponent like Garry would propel him into the top five of the division, which aligns with his career goals.

Page also mentioned his desire to bring a significant UFC event back to the UK. He indicated that securing a high-profile fight before the end of the year would be an ideal way to cap off 2023, potentially leading to a major event in the UK by March of the following year.

Ultimately, Page sees a victory over Garry as a stepping stone to challenging Usman. He believes that defeating the top-ranked Usman would solidify his claim for a title shot, eliminating any debate about his readiness to compete for the UFC welterweight championship.

Praneet Thakar

Written by Praneet Thakar

Praneet is a political and sports enthusiast, he loves watching cricket and football. You can reach out to Praneet at [email protected]

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