
Manhunt for ‘Lady Don’ Anu in Delhi Burger King Shooting Investigation

Manhunt for 'Lady Don' Anu in Delhi Burger King Shooting Investigation
Manhunt for 'Lady Don' Anu in Delhi Burger King Shooting Investigation

In recent developments related to the shooting at a Burger King outlet in Delhi, the focus has shifted to a woman identified as Anu, also known as “Lady Don,” who was allegedly involved in the incident. Anu was spotted at Katra Railway Station in Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday, captured by security camera footage with her face concealed by a scarf. She was seen carrying luggage and boarding a train bound for Mumbai around 10 am that day.

Anu, hailing from Rohtak, Haryana, has a criminal background and is reportedly associated with fugitive gangster Himanshu Bhau. Police sources believe she played a significant role in the plot that led to the fatal shooting of Aman Joon at the Rajouri Garden Burger King. The attack, which involved multiple gunmen firing 38 bullets of different types, points to a planned ambush rather than a spontaneous act.

Manhunt for 'Lady Don' Anu in Delhi Burger King Shooting Investigation
Manhunt for ‘Lady Don’ Anu in Delhi Burger King Shooting Investigation

Security camera footage from earlier shows Anu sitting with Aman inside the fast food outlet when the gunmen launched their attack. Subsequent footage tracked her movements via the metro system, indicating a deliberate attempt to evade detection after the crime. Aman’s body was discovered near the billing counter, suggesting he tried to escape during the barrage of gunfire.

Himanshu Bhau, linked to extensive criminal operations in Delhi and Haryana, including extortion, has claimed responsibility for Aman Joon’s murder in a social media post from abroad, reportedly in Portugal since 2022. Bhau, associated with jailed gangster Neeraj Bawana, remains a fugitive despite efforts by law enforcement to locate him.

The investigation into this high-profile crime continues, focusing on apprehending Anu and uncovering further details about the motives behind the targeted killing at the Burger King outlet. Authorities are actively pursuing leads to bring all involved individuals, including those connected to the gang led by Himanshu Bhau, to justice.

Richard Soriano

Written by Richard Soriano

Richard is a massive WWE fan and you will often find him covering WWE news at MiceNews.

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