
Indian-American Couple Jailed for Making Relative Work Without Pay in US Gas Station

Indian-American Couple Jailed for Making Relative Work Without Pay in US Gas Station
Indian-American Couple Jailed for Making Relative Work Without Pay in US Gas Station

An Indian-American couple, Harmanpreet Singh and Kulbir Kaur have been sentenced by a US court for coercing their relative, Singh’s cousin, into forced labor at their gas station and convenience store over a period of more than three years.

They initially brought the victim to the United States under false pretenses, promising to enroll him in school. Instead, they confiscated his immigration documents upon arrival and subjected him to threats, physical abuse, and mental coercion to work long hours for minimal pay.

Harmanpreet Singh, aged 31, received a sentence of 135 months (11.25 years) in prison, while Kulbir Kaur, aged 43, was sentenced to 87 months (7.25 years). Additionally, they were ordered to pay the victim over USD 225,000 in restitution. Despite their conviction, the couple has since divorced.

Indian-American Couple Jailed for Making Relative Work Without Pay in US Gas Station
Indian-American Couple Jailed for Making Relative Work Without Pay in US Gas Station

The court proceedings highlighted how Singh and Kaur exploited their familial relationship with the victim, using deceit to lure him to the US and then manipulating him into servitude. Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke emphasized the severity of their actions, stating that they not only deprived the victim of his basic rights but also used various coercive tactics to maintain control over him.

US Attorney Jessica D Aber condemned their actions, noting that they took advantage of the victim’s desire for education and a better life, effectively enslaving him instead. The evidence presented detailed how the defendants forced the victim to work extensively at their store, performing tasks ranging from cleaning to managing the cash register for up to 17 hours a day, almost every day.

Furthermore, Singh and Kaur used intimidation tactics such as physical violence, threats with a firearm, and withholding basic necessities like adequate food and medical care to enforce compliance. They also manipulated the victim into a forced marriage with Kaur, leveraging this situation to further control and exploit him.

The sentencing aims to send a clear message against forced labor, underscoring that such exploitation will not be tolerated within US communities. The case underscores the importance of protecting vulnerable individuals from trafficking and labor exploitation, especially within familial contexts where trust can be easily manipulated for criminal gain.

Richard Soriano

Written by Richard Soriano

Richard is a massive WWE fan and you will often find him covering WWE news at MiceNews.

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