
Sgt. Slaughter Reveals Unsuccessful Negotiations with WWE for Managing Lacey Evans

Sgt. Slaughter
Sgt. Slaughter (WWE)

Sgt. Slaughter, a wrestling legend whose career has seen intermittent returns to WWE following his full-time tenure, revealed on “Busted Open Radio” a potential opportunity that almost brought him back into a regular role with the company. He disclosed that there had been discussions about him managing former WWE star Lacey Evans several years ago.

However, negotiations fell through primarily due to financial disagreements. Slaughter expressed dissatisfaction with the initial contract offer, feeling it did not reflect his contributions to WWE over the years.

“They wanted me to come in and manage her,” Slaughter recounted. “But I saw the contract and I said, ‘This is a slap in the face.'” He emphasized that he expected better compensation, stating, “I should be given a billion-dollar contract just for what I did for your company.” Ultimately, the financial gap led him to decline the offer, suggesting he would reconsider if the terms were more favorable to his retirement needs.

Lacey Evans
Lacey Evans (WWE)

Beyond financial concerns, Slaughter also addressed his trademark Cobra Clutch move, which Evans had been using. Asserting ownership of the move, he expressed discomfort with its current use, stating firmly to WWE, “I don’t want you to use it anymore.”

For Slaughter, the Cobra Clutch holds symbolic importance as a definitive move, akin to catchphrases like “Hey D-Von; get the tables,” which mark the conclusion of a storyline.

Despite these negotiations not culminating in a return to managing Evans, Sgt. Slaughter remains a respected figure in wrestling, and he is known for his iconic career and occasional appearances in WWE.

His comments on “Busted Open Radio” shed light on the complexities of negotiations behind the scenes in professional wrestling, where financial considerations and creative control play crucial roles in determining the involvement of legendary figures like himself.

Richard Soriano

Written by Richard Soriano

Richard is a massive WWE fan and you will often find him covering WWE news at MiceNews.

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