
Jim Pons Sues New York Jets and NFL Over Unpaid Logo Design

Jim Pons Sues New York Jets and NFL Over Unpaid Logo Design
Jim Pons Sues New York Jets and NFL Over Unpaid Logo Design

Jim Pons, who created a well-known New York Jets logo, is suing the team and the NFL for using his design without paying him. Pons, a former film and video director for the Jets, says he designed the logo in the 1970s, and the team started using it in 1978. The logo, showing a jet plane above the letters “E-T-S,” was used on the uniforms until 1997 and brought back part-time in 2022. The Jets plan to use it full-time from 2024 onwards.

Pons alleges that despite the recent embrace of his design, he has not been adequately compensated for it. Initially enthusiastic about the logo’s return and participating in a team feature about its creation, Pons now asserts that his work was done outside the scope of his employment with the Jets, entitling him to ownership and compensation. His lawsuit, filed in New York, emphasizes that the Jets and the NFL are profiting significantly from his design.

Jim Pons Sues New York Jets and NFL Over Unpaid Logo Design
Jim Pons Sues New York Jets and NFL Over Unpaid Logo Design

The lawsuit also details Pons’ belief that the logo has generated millions in revenue for the team and league, from which he has not benefited. He is demanding unspecified damages and is seeking a legal judgment to cancel the Jets’ trademark on the logo. Pons is also asking for an order that would prevent the Jets from using his design on their uniforms and merchandise without his permission and proper payment.

At 81 years old, Pons argues that his creation has been a pivotal part of the Jets’ brand identity and that his contributions have not been justly recognized or compensated. His legal action marks a significant step in his efforts to claim what he believes is rightfully his, citing the financial gains made by the Jets and the NFL from his logo.

The case highlights ongoing issues regarding intellectual property and the rights of creators, especially in situations where their contributions were made during employment but arguably outside their job’s explicit scope. Pons’ lawsuit seeks to rectify what he views as a long-standing oversight in compensating him for his work, which has become an integral part of the Jets’ visual identity.

Harshad Patel

Written by Harshad Patel

Harshad Patel, a passionate and zealous blogger, writes about WWE with an unmatched fervor. With a writing style that is as dynamic as the wrestling matches he covers, Harshad captures the essence of WWE through his insightful analysis.

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