
Kevin Nash Reflects on WWE’s Handling of WCW Stars and Iconic Moments at WrestleMania 18

Kevin Nash
Kevin Nash (WWE)

Many WCW stars transitioned to WWE after WCW’s demise, but few found success. According to former WWE and WCW star Kevin Nash on “Kliq This,” this was intentional, as WWE did not want many stars from the rival company to gain popularity.

The “Invasion” storyline involving WWE and WCW was largely unsuccessful, but WWE’s purchase of WCW did lead to notable moments, including those at WWE WrestleMania 18.

One significant moment Nash highlighted was the match between Hulk Hogan and The Rock at WrestleMania 18, which he described as epic. He noted that Hogan solidified his status as a generational star, managing to look impressive even at the age of 48. This match, held in Toronto, was seen as a key moment in Hogan’s career, spanning three generations of wrestling fans.

Kevin Nash
Kevin Nash (WWE)

Nash also defended Hogan against common criticisms, such as accusations of politicking his way to success. He argued that the Hogan-Rock match at WrestleMania 18 was something wrestling fans had eagerly anticipated, making it a match that was hard to dispute. The fans’ desire for this match played a significant role in its occurrence.

During the match, although The Rock was positioned as the storyline’s hero, the crowd at WrestleMania overwhelmingly supported Hogan. Nash praised Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) for adapting to the crowd’s unexpected reaction and not making the situation difficult for Hogan. Johnson’s ability to switch gears mid-match was seen as a significant moment.

The Rock won the match, but Hogan soon turned face and teamed up with him to feud against the NWO, which included Nash and Scott Hall. Reflecting on the WrestleMania bout, Nash believes it greatly contributed to the enduring legacies of both Hogan and The Rock, showcasing their ability to connect with fans and adapt to the evolving wrestling landscape.

Richard Soriano

Written by Richard Soriano

Richard is a massive WWE fan and you will often find him covering WWE news at MiceNews.

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