
Once Human Faces Issues but Receives Positive Feedback and Developer Support

Once Human
Once Human

Once Human has faced numerous issues during its initial launch, including server outages, lag, and disappearing player bases. Despite these setbacks, the game has been well-received on Steam, with over 200,000 players and a steadily improving positive review score of 70%.

The main concern among the player community is whether the developers will actively listen and respond to player feedback, a crucial factor for the game’s future success.

The developers’ responsiveness is highlighted by an interview with YouTuber Pirate Software, who initially uninstalled the game due to frustration with the game’s short, brutal seasonal wipes.

These wipes occur every six weeks, erasing players’ progress, bases, and items, which is a significant issue for players who can only dedicate a few hours a week to the game. This feedback has been a focal point for the developers’ efforts to improve the game.

Once Human
Once Human

The developers have shown they are listening by addressing specific concerns raised by players. For example, players were upset that cosmetic purchases were tied to individual characters, requiring them to repurchase items for new characters.

The developers have committed to resolving this issue by August and have even promised refunds to players who bought duplicate cosmetic items. This responsiveness demonstrates their commitment to player satisfaction.

The game is completely free to play with no pay-to-win elements, which is remarkable in the current gaming landscape. The developers, Starry Studios, have garnered significant respect for their approach.

They have also acknowledged the cultural differences between Western players and their original player base, indicating their willingness to adapt the game to better suit Western preferences and establish a deeper connection with players.

Despite the fun gameplay, the six-week full resets have been a deterrent for some players. However, the developers’ openness to reconsidering this aspect has renewed faith in the game for many. As the community awaits the first season reset, there is cautious optimism that the necessary changes will be made, potentially solidifying Once Human as a favorite game for many players.

Devendra Kumar

Written by Devendra Kumar

Devendra has been creating news reels for almost a decade now and he wants to share his knowledge and experience here at MiceNewsPH. You can reach out to him at [email protected]

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